Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Probiotics play a crucial role in fighting heartburns

Heartburn is a burning sensation that is felt in the chest and is caused by acid indigestion. One of the major causes of heartburn is GERD or gastroesophegeal reflux disease and this could restrict you from eating certain types of food while affecting your lifestyle. However, heartburn could also be a symptom of ischemic heart disease and it is crucial that you visit a doctor to rule out any possibilities of a misdiagnosis.

The most common symptoms of include a burning sensation in the chest and throat, difficulty swallowing, sour or bitter taste in the mouth, chronic coughing and wheezing besides asthma-like symptoms. Symptoms like facing difficulty swallowing could also be due to esophageal cancer or erosive esophagitis. Therefore, undergoing a thorough check-up is extremely important.

There are several heartburn remedies that may help including medicines like antacids. Antacids help in neutralizing stomach acid besides preventing it from reaching the esophagus. There are also natural heartburn remedies like consuming yogurt on a regular basis, drinking at least 2-4 tablespoons of raw organic apple cider vinegar before every meal and avoiding foods that are known to cause heartburn symptoms. Yogurt, though, could at times trigger acid reflux and heartburn. So, if consuming yogurt does not help you, you may avoid it. 

Another effective component that is known to fight heartburn is probiotics. Many individuals continue to experience heartburn even after consuming probiotic foods as some food items like cheese and whole milk are known to aggravate heartburn. Garlic is another probiotic item that could cause heartburn. Instead of opting for high-fat probiotic foods that more commonly cause heartburn, try going for low-fat or nonfat probiotic foods.

Probiotics reduce the risk of heartburns as they contain healthy bacteria that help in aiding digestion. Acid reflux or heartburn can be caused due to slow digestion from heavy meals or consumption of certain foods and probiotics play an important role in helping your body digest food properly.

Although heartburn is generally caused due to overabundance of acid, it is important to note that even lack of stomach acid may trigger heartburn. With lack of stomach acid, food is not properly digested and what is eaten may rot inside one's system. Before following medication, it is highly crucial that you understand what the main cause of your heartburn is.

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